I've gone, shuffled off to share the Tart's blog - you'll find me there now, when she lets me near the computer...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

In the Bleak Mid Winter

Rain, wind, rain, wind, big wind, power cut, dark, dark, dark, more rain. Early starts for Hugh mean Lindsay walks me in the rainy dark in the mornings before she goes to work. If I am lucky Hugh takes me out again in the rainy afternoon before it is dark again. It's all a bit tedious and I am not overly impressed with December so far.

Mind you, the decorations are up and cards are strung about and there have been mincemeat goings on in the kitchen today so the festive spirit is creeping in. I've seen some gift wrapped boxes but none looks like a new bed for me which, given the sad state of my beanbag, with flattened beany bits which leak out if you shake too enthusiastically, is a pretty poor show.

I AM FAMOUS! Well, nearly. I have a whole page in the new winter edition of 'Border Life' magazine. I was asked twenty questions and I gave full and forthright answers. They have shown a fairly attractive profile shot of me in the snow and all in all I think I come out of it rather well. I did mention himself and herself a few times to ensure an easier life chez moi.

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Season's Greetings! Festive Good Wishes! Love from ASH


tlchang said...

Your weather sounds just like ours Ash. Jack is feeling rather chillier than he is happy with, but he perseveres!

Thankyou for your very beautiful Christmas card and yummy-looking dark-dark chocolate bar (can't get too many of those!)(Jack and I are NOT sharing that one)

Hugs and doggy sniffs,

Tara and Jack

French Fancy... said...

Ash, your blog is lovely. My bichons send greetings. (I've come here from viewing you on Sarah - muddy red shoes - blog.

Lothlorian said...

YOU have been tagged!!!! (see my blog) righto we need to know 6 weird things about you!

Tart said...

Hello Frency! Thanks for calling by - I'll need to see a pic of the bichons so am off to read your blog too. Please drop by again, especially as the wicked Cairi has tagged me to reveal some weirdness!