I've gone, shuffled off to share the Tart's blog - you'll find me there now, when she lets me near the computer...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Just desserts

Red Letter Day? I'm not so sure. Easter and I finally make it into print. The Sunday Herald Magazine to be precise, two page spread, mostly of the house and garden and arty stuff and some unfortunate pics of H & L. Lindsay scowling and Hugh posing awkwardly with brushes and paint spattered shirt. My pic is the first one on the page and I am looking rather regal, I think, beside the spinning wheel and a landscape of Hugh's (close-up section in here somewhere).

It's been an interesting week - the arty pair took lots of work to Thirlestane Castle to hang on the walls of the tearoom for the season, H helped to hang an exhibition of work by Bernat Klein. chopped up a cherry tree, dug over a raised bed ready for pea seedlings, Lindsay's been dyeing wool in the microwave - that's what the pictures that look like pizzas are, plus a shot of hanks drying in the sun, and two of L's paintings with gold leaf and suchlike on them.

More mutterings about kennels again - I think they are scheming to go down south at the end of next week. Spare a thought for me, please, in my poor lonely little cell while they drive off without a backward glance..........ho hum, it's a dog's life.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Saviours of the Universe

Lindsay was in work avoidance mode this evening, again, and stumbled over the parallel world of Savage Chickens - Chicken Cartoons by Doug Savage. April 3rd was a good cartoon day...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

All work and no play ... hah!

Had a busy weekend - garden work on Saturday, L did a charity abseil on Sunday and H went off road again (without me... again..) and then there was a birthday so they went gadding about (without me etc), doing towny things, I think. I did get walks and chewed sticks and sniffed round the hens and got into trouble digging a hole in the polytunnel so there were highlights to my days too.

More pics - L looking less than elegant doing what I am told was a 'controlled descent' down off the Waterloo Monument, a 150 ft high stone pillar, in aid of Anthony Nolan Trust. Good news is that 94 people did it and raised £21,000 for the charity. Hugh's 'Rocket' sculpture in the garden and Eric, the Scots Grey cockerel, contemplating it from the safety of his run. Some inside work got done too and there should be some acrylics on show here next week.