I've gone, shuffled off to share the Tart's blog - you'll find me there now, when she lets me near the computer...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Fuss over Felt

Enjoying some peace today after the comings and goings of the last week. Hugh's been fixing various off road vehicles and helping out friends in between his painting, hen and log duties. Lindsay's been on paperwork, Village Hall duties and manic felting sessions...

Yesterday they spent helping to run a jumble sale across at the Hall. Made a very respectable sum from other folks' cast offs although I notice a suspiciously large pile of 'essential' old clothes and other stuff which I think L has salvaged for her rag rug workshop later in the year.

L's handspun handknit bag was felted in the washing machine and she was over the moon with the result. The inevitable outcome was that a little brother bag got made and now there's a blue stripey 'book bag' drying out as well. Further bags and baglets will follow until the stash of handspun is no more!

H is out with the Wee Beastie today so there will be more shots on here before long of man and machine in perfect harmony...


Gretel said...

Lover-ly bags...are they going up for sale anywhere???

Tart said...

Oh, yes, I expect so! Planning on having a major photography day for the website in April to update images and I think they will sneak in then!