I've gone, shuffled off to share the Tart's blog - you'll find me there now, when she lets me near the computer...

Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy Picture

Yup, finally got the latest groovy picture photographed, and here it is in all its glory - It's about four and a half feet high so it packs a punch in our living room at present!

The weekend whizzed by in a flurry of garden duties and moving hens to pastures new. I did score for a few forest walks too so it has been a better than average few days.

And, it is rumoured that we are going out this afternoon, first to deliver pictures and then to my friend Jack's folks for dinner....where I will finally get to meet new four legged friends too - Eddie and Sam. At last, proper company!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! Two paws up for the Hugh-ster.